# QOwnNotes에 대해 다른 사용자가 말한 내용은 어디에서 찾을 수 있습니까?
QOwnNotes에 대해 다른 사람들이 한 말입니다…
- Notes: ditching Joplin and back to a simpler solution using QOwnNotes on FreeBSD (opens new window)
- http://qownnotes.findmysoft.com/ (opens new window)
- Pro-Linux: QOwnNotes에 대한 정보 (opens new window)
- 무료 및 오픈 소스 리소스 교육자: 메모 소프트웨어 (opens new window)
- Linux Voice 25
- 리눅스 액션 쇼 410 / 데스크톱 앱 선택
- Softwarová sklizeň (6. 4. 2016) - Root.cz (opens new window)
- 참고 Ubuntu/Linux Mint용 앱 모음 - NobsLab | Ubuntu/Linux 뉴스, 리뷰, 자습서, 앱 (opens new window)
- http://www.linuxlinks.com/article/20160417070643251/QOwnNotes.html (opens new window)
- https://onemoretech.wordpress.com/2016/05/01/owned-by-qownnotes/ (opens new window)
- QQwnNotes - Работа с заметками (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 다운로드 (opens new window)
- 오래된 독자 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - 프리웨어홈 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Haroopad의 대안인 매우 강력한 마크다운 편집기: LinuxActionShow (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes의 빠른 검토 (opens new window)
- linux-apps.com - QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- 영국 잡지 Linux Format의 QOWNNotes 리뷰 (opens new window)
- Ubuntu 커뮤니티 Q&A (opens new window)
- 리눅스 소프트웨어: Qt - QOwnNotes를 기반으로 하는 그래픽 프로그램 (opens new window)
- qOwnNotes - pumprock.net (opens new window)
- beOpen | QOwnNotes 16.07.2 (opens new window)
- 2016/09호 Linux Magazin 기사 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes는 With ownCloud와 통합되는 노트 작성 및 작업 목록 앱 ~ Web Upd8: Ubuntu / Linux 블로그 (opens new window)
- QownNotes를 사용하여 ownCloud에서 노트 관리 (opens new window)
- http://www.hksilicon.com/articles/1127258?lang=cn (opens new window)
- http://blog.csdn.net/qyvlik/article/details/51460736 (opens new window)
- http://jdev.tw/blog/4836/markdown-text-editor-qownnotes (opens new window)
- Linux Mint와 Ubuntu 멀티플랫폼의 메모 관리자 (opens new window)
- 휴대용 프리웨어 컬렉션의 QOwnNotes 참고 사항 (opens new window)
- Softpedia에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Neowin에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Solus OS의 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- beOpen에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Yazı Kovanı에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- sDown에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Betanews에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Downloadcrew에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- PC Advisor에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes – 금주의 앱 – ownCloud (opens new window)
- 사용해야 하는 Linux 앱 10개 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 17.01.3 휴대용 - 프로그램 휴대용 (opens new window)
- filecluster에서 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - ownCloud와 연동도 가능한 마크다운 편집기 MOONGIFT (opens new window)
- LinuxHints에 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes:一款记录笔记和待办事项的应用,集成 ownCloud 云服务-软件 ◆ 分享|Linux.中国-开源社区 (opens new window)
- Chocolatey에 QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Evernote 다음은 무엇입니까? QOnNotes 검토. | JawFodder (opens new window)
- Nextcloud, QOwnNotes및 노트북으로 메모하기 (opens new window)
- Notebooks (opens new window)을 사용하여 iOS에서 WebDAV를 통해 노트 동기화
- 계층적 메모: 응용 프로그램 : Linux (opens new window)
- QownNotes - 개인 클라우드에 암호화된 노트 작성 - Korben (opens new window)
- Windows 메모장의 6가지 대안 (opens new window)
- 노트 동기화 (QOwnNotes) — Wiki de la mère Zaclys (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 17.06.06 z notatkami w chmurach | przystajnik (opens new window)
- Ubuntu에 QOwnNotes 메모 작성 및 할 일 목록 관리자를 설치하는 방법 | 우분투핸드북 (opens new window)
- Ubuntu에 QOwnNotes를 설치하는 방법 | CONNECTwww.com (opens new window)
- Qownnotes | Framalibre (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - opensource offline аналог Evernote — Talks — Форум (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Συγγραφή και διαχείριση σημειώσεων (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - 마크다운 및 자체 클라우드 지원을 통한 작업관리 목록 관리자 (opens new window)
- Joplin – 데스크톱, 모바일, 단말기용 빌드가 포함된 노트 필기 및 할 일 앱 | 해커 뉴스 (opens new window)
- http://www.thumbapps.org/2017/07/QOwnNotes-portable-text-markdown-editor-and-todo-list-manager.html (opens new window)
- 또한 자체적으로
을 만들었습니다 UBUNTU 16.04에 Qownnotes를 설치하는 방법 - Linux용 참고 소프트웨어 (opens new window)
- 또한 자체적으로
- QOwnNotes A Great Note Taking App For Linux - LinuxAndUbuntu - Linux News | Apps Reviews | Linux Tutorials HowTo (opens new window)
- Solus Users Receive Linux Kernel 4.8.10 and Vivaldi 1.5, QOwnNotes Lands as Well (opens new window)
- Notizverwaltung : QOwnNotes 17.09.6 | c't Magazin (opens new window)
- Software: QOwnNotes, VirtualBox, Green Recorder, Notes | Tux Machines (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Cross Platform Open Source Note-Taking App for Ubuntu (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes Review - Slant (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - libellules.ch (opens new window)
- 7 Free Evernote Alternatives - Best Note Taking App With Simple Interface (opens new window)
- Scout Archives - QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes – App of the Week - ownCloud (opens new window)
- Snapcraft on Twitter: "Get your notes on order! 📝 @QOwnNotes is a fast and beautiful text editor which supports local saving and storage in your own cloud. Install… https://t.co/2yGYmPb7g2" (opens new window)
- Ubuntu on Twitter: "Get your notes on order! 📝 @QOwnNotes is a fast and beautiful text editor which supports local saving and storage in your own cloud. Instal… https://t.co/4W4o9OfdFo" (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Notizverwaltung auf Nextcloud - Die Welt und ich (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes / Приложение для ведения заметок, блокнот с поддержкой менеджера списка задач (opens new window)
- Windows софт - 6 лучших альтернатив «блокнот windows» | 5FPS.ru - Community (opens new window)
- Como instalar o gerenciador de lista de tarefas QOwnNotes no Ubuntu (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes绿色版 18.03.7 | 强大的免费笔记软件 - 软件No1 (opens new window)
- Libellules.ch - forum d'informatique • Propositions de logiciels pour le blog : Software - Logiciels - Page 58 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Notepad mit Nextcloud Anbindung | ITrig (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes es un potente editor de texto y gestor de tareas multiplataforma, de código abierto y con sincronización (opens new window)
- https://appimage.github.io/QOwnNotes/ (opens new window)
- Como instalar o gerenciador de lista de tarefas QOwnNotes no Ubuntu (opens new window)
- Download QOwnNotes - MajorGeeks (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes: editor de texto con soporte para sincronización con servicios en la nube (opens new window)
- Programtips: Qownnotes 18.06.1 - Datormagazin (opens new window)
- Programtips: Qownnotes 18.08.1 - Datormagazin (opens new window)
- Download QOwnNotes v18.10.6 (open source) - AfterDawn: Software downloads (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Make Tech Easier Software (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 18.11.3 ~ Software182 | Free Download Software Updates ! (opens new window)
- 第530回 QOwnNotesでメモを取る:Ubuntu Weekly Recipe|gihyo.jp … 技術評論社 (opens new window)
- Japanese screenshots
- Article in magazine of PC Press PC #260 (opens new window)
- Er zijn veel open source Linux apps om notities te nemen en taken bij te houden. QOwnNotes doet beiden. QOwnNotes slaat notities op in tekstbestanden en ondersteunt de opmaakstandaard Markdown. : PindaNet (opens new window)
- QownNotes 19.2.5 скачать – менеджер заметок с функцией синхронизацией. (opens new window)
- Best +5 open source note taking apps (opens new window)
- Kurznachrichten: Papierkugel, Time Tracker, GTD für GMail, QOwnNotes, Lernen, alte Software, Apps › ToolBlog (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes for Linux 19.6.0, Free Download - softx64.com (opens new window)
- How to set up QOwnNotes with NextCloud on Linux (opens new window)
- Note taking with QOwnNotes - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 (opens new window)
- Search for the near-perfect note taking software - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻 (opens new window)
- 笔记记事工具 QOwnNotes v19.8.6 绿色版-NoCmd (opens new window)
- Brutal Alternativa a Bloc de Notas - Descargar QOwnNotes Gratis Ultima Versión - YouTube (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- NValt on Windows · Voxcaster (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - QOwnNotes is a plain-text file notepad and todo-list manager with markdown support and ownCloud Nextcloud integration (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes:一款记录笔记和待办事项的应用,集成 ownCloud 云服务 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 笔记和待办事项记录 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes on www.52pojie.cn (opens new window)
- MOONGIFT on Twitter: "(MOONGIFT) QOwnNotes - ownCloudと連携も可能なMarkdownエディタ : ノートアプリは一つ用意しておくと便利です。気がついた時にささっ... https://t.co/SljDsxHsVc" (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - ownCloudと連携も可能なMarkdownエディタ MOONGIFT (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes / Приложение для ведения заметок, блокнот с поддержкой менеджера списка задач (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes is an open source note taking tool that supports Markdown - gHacks Tech News (opens new window)
- 10 Must Have Linux Apps You Should Install | Beebom (opens new window)
- Кроссплатформенное ведение базы личных записей (2018) | Mal-BioIT (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes bei Computerbild (opens new window)
- Download QOwnNotes® 2019 latest free version | Download82.com (opens new window)
- Download QOwnNotes 20.1.12 build 5295 - Tạo và quản lý, in ấn các ghi (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 5092 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes | Clear Linux* Project (opens new window)
- https://freewarebuzz.com/utilities-records.html#qownnotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes, скачать бесплатно. Программы для Linux (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes is an open source note taking tool for Windows, Linux and macOS that supports Markdown - Pin System (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Notepad mit Nextcloud Anbindung | ITrig (opens new window)
- Chip Magazin (3.2.2020 im Handel)
- QOwnNotes for Debian – There and back again (opens new window)
- this has been on https://planet.debian.org/ (opens new window)
- Search for the near-perfect note taking software | Animesh Bulusu (opens new window)
- qownnotes (Wiki ubuntu-fr) (opens new window)
- Taking Notes with Nextcloud, QOwnNotes, and Notebooks | Life Meets Code (opens new window)
- Nextcloud Notes 및 Android Client가 포함된 전체 설치 튜토리얼
- Get Organized with the Simple, Yet Powerful QOwnNotes - Make Tech Easier (opens new window)
- long and lots of information!
- QOwnNotes 20.2.7 - dobreprogramy (opens new window)
- Best text editor for Windows - Notepad Alternative. - BounceGeek (opens new window)
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- QOwnNotes Mac (opens new window)
- Gratilog.net - Forum - Propositions de logiciels - QOwnNotes # (opens new window)
- MacUpdate (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes, un programa para crear y editar textos (opens new window)
- Markdown 筆記本:QOwnNotes 20.5.1 繁體中文免安裝版 (免費) – iPortable.in (opens new window)
- 12 Open source Free Note-taking Apps with Unique Features (opens new window)
- Viewing QOwnNotes v20.5.12 - OlderGeeks.com Freeware Downloads (opens new window)
- Аналоги OneNote в Linux | Losst (opens new window)
- 一款自由开源的免费笔记软件——QOwnNotes | 爱上分享 (opens new window)
- Малоизвестные Windows-программы для ведения заметок! (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes Portable 20.8.10 (markdown note taker) Released | PortableApps.com (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - Notepad and todo-list manager with Markdown support and Nextcloud integration : coolgithubprojects (opens new window)
- QQwnNotes - Работа с заметками (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 21.1.2 download free | macOS | AppKed (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes(开源Markdown笔记本) v20.12.9 绿色版 - 果核剥壳 (opens new window)
- Аналоги OneNote в Linux | Losst (opens new window)
- Brutal Alternativa a Bloc de Notas - Descargar QOwnNotes Gratis Ultima Versión - YouTube (opens new window)
- https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/best-windows-notepad-alternatives/ (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes(开源Markdown笔记本) v21.6.0 绿色版 - 果核剥壳 (opens new window)
- https://www.slant.co/topics/6215/viewpoints/31/~simple-text-editors-for-windows~qownnotes (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - softonic (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes绿色版 21.7.12 | 强大的免费笔记软件 – 软件No1 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes is really versatile! - The user friendliest, easy to use Note Taking App! - YouTube (opens new window)
- Presentation about QOwnNotes by stevelitt (opens new window)
- QownNotes – 개인 클라우드에 암호화된 노트 작성 (opens new window)
- 최고의 Linux 노트 테이크 앱 - Invious (opens new window) 5:37
- 2022년 리눅스에서 노트 필기를 위한 최고의 앱 - YouTube (opens new window)
- PC의 북 - QOwnNotes 22.4.0 Portable 토렌트를 통해 다운로드 (opens new window)
- 시리즈 - 구조화된 노트: QOwnNotes (opens new window)
- Ubuntu에 QOwnNotes를 설치하는 방법 22.04 | 20.04 - Linux 지원 (opens new window)
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS에 QOwnNotes를 설치하는 방법 - idroot (opens new window)
- 022년 리눅스에서 노트 필기를 위한 최고의 앱 - YouTube (opens new window)
- Linux 데스크톱을 위한 10가지 최고의 노트 필기 앱 (opens new window)
- 메모장을 대체하는 4 가지 프로그램 | TecMast (opens new window)
- Alex 🇮🇹 💛 🇷🇺: "많은 사람들이 #Obsidian이 최초의 앱 부이라고 믿고 있습니다..." - PKM.소셜 (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes | 무료 노트 정리 도구 (opens new window)
# 멘션
- Does Slack MatterMost? | LUP 117 | Jupiter Broadcasting (opens new window)
- ownCloud development in March | ownCloud.org (opens new window)
- http://tuxdiary.com/2015/03/18/papyrus/ (opens new window)
- Programmliste (opens new window)
- http://www.pcwelt.de/ratgeber/Software-fuer-die-Zusammenarbeit-im-Web-9903500.html (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes - cross-platform open source plain-text file notepad : LinuxActionShow (opens new window)
- Floating on ownCloud 9 | LAS 410 : LinuxActionShow (opens new window)
- http://kmeleonbrowser.org/forum/read.php?12,119575,138590,page=54 (opens new window)
- Some new Breeze app icons in Frameworks 5.22 - Alex L. (opens new window)
- Planet KDE (opens new window) at 16.05.16 19:46
- http://portallinux.es/una-notas-turtl-springseed-laverna/ (opens new window)
- comment
- http://zettelkasten.de/posts/zettelkasten-antifragile/ (opens new window)
- comment
- (2016-06) Recap of Markdown editors for Linux and/or browser : LinuxActionShow (opens new window)
- comment
- QOwnNotes featured on the Linux Voice Podcast (opens new window)
- http://www.heise.de/ct/ausgabe/2016-16-Briefe-E-Mail-Hotline-3271356.html (opens new window)
- https://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/4xto4y/4_open_source_alternatives_to_evernote/ (opens new window)
- 4 desktop note taking apps for Linux on opensource.com (opens new window)
- What is the best code writer and editor for all type of program? - Quora (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes 16.12.8 - Notepad, To-do-list, Markdown-Support, Verschlüsselung, optionale Cloud-Anbindung, crossplattform - EFB (opens new window)
- Tomboynál jobb jegyzetelőt tudtok? | HUP (opens new window)
- Tools to support your markdown authoring · karthik/markdown_science Wiki · GitHub (opens new window)
- List of Qt Applications - Manjaro Linux (opens new window)
- Plain Text and Google keep Is a Killer Combo for Notes and Organization — Nick Janetakis (opens new window)
- comment
- https://www.linux.org.ru/search.jsp?q=qownnotes&range=ALL&interval=ALL&user=&_usertopic=on (opens new window)
- Recommended Zettelkasten Method programs for Windows? - Zettelkasten Forum (opens new window)
- http://www.thumbapps.org/2016/07/Evernote-portable-32-64-bit.html (opens new window)
- https://www.heise.de/forum/iX/News-Kommentare/Zunaechst-als-Preview-Microsofts-To-Do-vom-Wunderlist-Team/Re-Alternativen/posting-30270957/show/ (opens new window)
- Ask HN: Ubuntu Desktop Default Apps | Hacker News (opens new window)
- LINUX Unplugged 231 (opens new window)
- Zim and onenote alternative needed for linux : linux (opens new window)
- أفضل 6 بدائل برنامج المفكرة نوت باد Notepad للكمبيوتر (opens new window)
- https://jeromeverne.fr/meilleur-logiciel-decriture/ (opens new window)
- Zim or CherryTree? : linuxquestions (opens new window)
- 用 electron 写的一个 markdown 的笔记本 - V2EX (opens new window)
- Giveaway of the Day - free licensed software daily — Cinta Notes Pro 3.13 (opens new window)
- Cómo organizo tareas y tomo mis notas (opens new window)
- Чем заменить продукты Google: подборка альтернатив, которые не будут за вами следить (opens new window)
- Zettlr markdown editor - Solus Forum (opens new window)
- Alternatives to Google Products (Complete List) | Restore Privacy (opens new window)
- أفضل برامج المفكرة NOTEPAD لأجهزة الحاسوب | التقنية (opens new window) LINUX Unplugged 307: What's your NextCloud? (opens new window)
- 0:55:09
- Outliner Software: Search (opens new window)
- Write Markdown with 8 Exceptional Open Source Editors - OSS Blog (opens new window)
- Note Taking Application / Applications & Desktop Environments / Arch Linux Forums (opens new window)
- Search results for query: qownnotes | MalwareTips Community (opens new window)
- Favorite Lesser-Known Apps? - General Discussion - Manjaro Linux Forum (opens new window)
- De-Google my life - Part 5 of ¯_(ツ)_/¯: Backups (opens new window)
- Taking notes : selfhosted (opens new window)
- Поиск по сайту - qownnotes (opens new window)
- El cliente oficial de Evernote para Linux llegará este año (opens new window) #comment
- GitHub - tycrek/degoogle: A huge list of alternatives to Google products. Privacy tips, tricks, and links. (opens new window)
- Request to add QOwnnotes to Manjaro SW Repo - Package request - Manjaro Linux Forum (opens new window)
- Notas en Nextcloud y Markdown. uGeek Podcast (opens new window) #podcast #spanish
- Note Taking Programs (opens new window)
- Adding new apps at ecloud.global? - Features & Applications - /e/ community (opens new window)
- KDE Neon - PCGuia (opens new window)
- note taking - Linux text editor with support of illustrations, folding, and different fonts? - Software Recommendations Stack Exchange (opens new window)
- comment
- My Server - AlternativeTo.net (opens new window)
- The Top 50 Note Taking Open Source Projects (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes mac-QOwnNotes for mac(专业私有云笔记) V20.4.2免费版 - 未来Mac下载 (opens new window)
- they have their own macOS installer for QOwnNotes!
- Get productive on the Linux desktop with 7 essential apps | Snapcraft (opens new window)
- Martin Wimpress
- Offline Computing – 10 Apps for the Digital Nomad | Snapcraft (opens new window)
- Alan Pope
- LXDE vs LXQT, which is better? - General Discussion - Manjaro Linux Forum (opens new window)
- QOwnNotes and Markor | Brent Huisman (opens new window)
- Self-Hosted 18: Ring Doorbell Alternative (opens new window)*
- https://selfhosted.show/18?t=1088 (opens new window) Several minutes about QON
- /s/ - Best Open Source Software for Windows (opens new window)
- /s/ - Ищу программу... (opens new window)
- Pervane Plain text file based note taking and knowledge base building tool (opens new window)
- Kuketz IT-Security Forum ⋆ IT-Sicherheit | Datenschutz | Hacking: Suche (opens new window)
- 25 Linux Applications for Enhanced Productivity (opens new window)
- Markor - Project Website & FAQ - Markdown Editor, todo.txt, Android app | gsantner (opens new window) comments
- Gerade über QOwnNotes gestolpert. Sieht sehr interessant aus. | Mobile & iOS – MacFix (opens new window)
- The complete list of alternatives to all Google products - TechSpot (opens new window)
- How to Move from Windows to Linux - Make Tech Easier (opens new window)
- Way to quick add notes? - Resolved help - Obsidian Forum (opens new window)
- Nextcloud Files and Notes for secure and easy file and note sharing and collaboration – Nextcloud (opens new window)
- How do you keep notes? - DEV (opens new window)
- The Top 10 Productivity Apps on Desktop - Asian Efficiency (opens new window)
- Tired of note-taking apps | Hacker News (opens new window)
- Mark Text : un éditeur de texte encore jeune, mais très prometteur (opens new window)
- Synology Community (opens new window)
- Trilium Notes - new note taking application : linux (opens new window)
- https://github.com/noraj/OSCP-Exam-Report-Template-Markdown (opens new window)
- Inspire Writer - Voxcaster (opens new window)
- Programmi Blocco notes alternative al Notepad su Windows - Navigaweb.net (opens new window)
- Inspire Writer - Voxcaster (opens new window)
- OneNote für Windows: Microsoft arbeitet an einziger, einheitlicher App (opens new window)
- Typora unboniti potente 편집기 디텍스트를 다중 데이터 형식으로 호환되는 con Markdowny MathJax (opens new window)
- Typora는 더 이상 무료가 아닙니다. 좋은 대안이나 대체품이 있습니까? : 무료 소프트웨어 (opens new window)
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