# Importowanie notatek

# Evernote

There is an Evernote import dialog you can reach in the Note / Import menu to import Enex files.

Images, attachments, tags, basic formatting and metadata will be imported as well.

# Joplin

There is a Joplin import dialog you can reach in the Note / Import menu.

# Various Formats

The command line tool jimmy (opens new window) can convert various formats to Markdown (such as Google Keep (opens new window), Synology Note Station (opens new window) and more (opens new window)). To preserve as much metadata as possible, it's recommended to apply additional tweaks (opens new window).

If there are any issues with the conversion, feel free to open a ticket at GitHub (opens new window).

# Google Keep

Download Keep tasks using Google Takeout

Extract archive

Download keep_to_markdown.py to directory next to extracted Keep folder

python keep_to_markdown.py Keep out/

Replace Keep by the folder containing notes in JSON format. The out folder will be created if it doesn't exist.

From https://gitlab.com/-/snippets/2002921 (opens new window)

# Tomboy

You can import your Tomboy Notes using a script called Trombone (opens new window).

You might install python2 to make the script work. It will convert your Tomboy notes to an Evernote .enex file, which then you are able to import to QOwnNotes.

For anyone wanting to do this, first make sure you have Python2 installed and you might want to also install python-is-python2 (you can remove that later). This may be easier/safer in a chroot or Docker container, if you have that option (will be documented here later).

sudo apt install python2 python-is-python2

Download the trombone file from GitHub, extract and jump into that folder:

cd ~/Downloads/trombone-master

sudo make
sudo make install

Then cd into the folder where your tomboy notes are:

 cd ~/.local/share/tomboy/

Then run this:

find ./ -type f -name '*.note' -print0 | xargs -0 trombone > EXPORT.enex

If you get unicode errors about specific notes, just remove each note and run the conversion again until it gives a message saying Saving... . You will have a file called EXPORT.enex which can then be imported into QOwnNotes.

During the import into QOwnNotes you might uncheck all of the attributes to import except maybe the creation/modification date, since Tomboy does not have those features.