# Note encryption with keybase.io or directly with PGP
Date: 2016-10-02
You now can use your custom method to encrypt and decrypt notes via the scripting engine (for Issue #334 (opens new window)).
- you can use the new scripting hook encryptionHook() do implement your own encryption
- there are examples to encrypt notes with Keybase.io (opens new window) (encryption-keybase.qml (opens new window)), PGP (encryption-pgp.qml (opens new window)) or do a trivial "encryption" with ROT13 (encryption-rot13.qml (opens new window))
- you can disable the password dialog with script.encryptionDisablePassword()
- to start an external synchronous process you can usescript.startSynchronousProcess()
- to check on which platform the script is running you can use script.platformIsLinux(), script.platformIsOSX() and script.platformIsWindows()
- for more information on the new commands please take a look at the scripting documentation (opens new window)
(image by keybase.io)
Crafted by
Patrizio Bekerle
with ❤️