# Script repository and script settings variables
In the latest release 17.05.7 of QOwnNotes you are now able to download scripts directly from the new script repository (opens new window) inside of the application.
Furthermore as a developer you can now register settings variables in scripts. This allows you to let the user configure your script in the script settings.
A lot of new useful scripts were added to the script repository, which now can be configured with the script settings variables.
There are now scripts directly available to
- encrypt your notes with PGP or Keybase
- create notes from Jira issues or Bitrix24 tasks
- transform selected note text to Jira Code or BBCode
- show statistics about your note
- paste Latex code as image
- modify the styling of the user interface of the application or the styling of the note preview
- create journal or meeting notes
- insert a headline and a link to the GitHub issue from an url in the clipboard
- favorite notes
Feel free to add your own scripts to the script repository. You will find a guide on how to do so at the QOwnNotes script repository (opens new window).
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