# Install as AppImage

You can download the latest AppImage from the QOwnNotes releases page (opens new window). It should be named like QOwnNotes-x86_64.AppImage on that page.


If you have jq (opens new window) installed you can also download the latest AppImage directly:

# query the latest Linux release from the QOwnNotes API, parse the JSON for the URL and download it
curl -L https://api.qownnotes.org/latest_releases/linux | jq .url | xargs curl -Lo QOwnNotes-x86_64.AppImage

Then you can change the execute-permissions on the file:

chmod a+x QOwnNotes-*.AppImage

Afterward you should be able to execute the AppImage to run QOwnNotes.


If you want to use the automatic updater please make sure to put your AppImage in a place where your user account has write-access to, like somewhere in your home directory.


If you have troubles running the AppImage, because your glibc version is too old you can try the AppImage built on OBS (opens new window), it should be built with glibc 2.16.