# Install on macOS™
Download the latest macOS disk image from QOwnNotes Releases on GitHub (opens new window), open it and drag the QOwnNotes app to your application folder.
The first time you have to right-click the application and click Open to open QOwnNotes.
The GitHub release is currently only built for the x86 platform.
If you get an error message QOwnNotes.app cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified
you need to visit your macOS Security settings and click on Open anyway
To take the application out of the quarantine you can also run the following command in the terminal:
xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/QOwnNotes.app
The application uses its internal updater to update itself. You can see the latest version on the bottom right of the application.
# Homebrew
There is a community maintained cask of QOwnNotes at Homebrew (opens new window).
You can install it with:
brew install qownnotes
# Nix
You can also install QOwnNotes with the Nix package manager (opens new window) under macOS natively on x86 and Apple Silicon, see Install via Nix.